Exam Prep

Our Exam Prep Framework

Welcome to TLC Exam Prep! We do Exam Prep unlike anyone else in the city—in that every student’s program is 100% customized to meet the students needs, learning style, and goals—and our gains are beyond what most students imagine possible. Our Exam Prep program utilizes the following framework:

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Diagnostic Test

Each student takes a full, actual ACT/SAT/PSAT, proctored and administered just like the real thing.

Planning Meeting

The student and parents meet with TLC's Chief Education Officer to go over the diagnostic test results, set goals, make a plan, and create a schedule.


All tutoring is one-one-one and personalized for each student's unique needs. We do NOT use a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all approach. Most Exam Prep programs last 8 to 12 weeks, depending on goals and needs. Students generally meet with their tutor twice weekly; sessions are typically 2 hours each, and there is mandatory homework.


TLC's Exam Prep students show some of the highest gains possible. Our ACT students average 5 to 7 point increases—and our SAT students generally experience a 200 to 300 point rise in their score.

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